Stress is a big problem in out modern world. we are overstimulated and in a constant fight or flight state. It can play a huge role in our bodies, from inflammation, infections, diseases and more. Being overly stressed is like putting pressure on a dam, it can function but not as optimally. If it is not released then eventually it will burst causing all kinds of unwanted problems. These are the ways I fight stress and put my mind and body into a optimal state.


The way you breath is often overlooked when you feel anxious and overwhelmed. Shallow breaths send your body into the sympathetic nervous system. Learning to breath fully through your diaphragm will greatly improve your ability to deal with stressful situations and keep anxiety at bay. Setting reminders and apps that will frequently remind you are helpful and will help you get oxygen giving deep breaths throughout the day.


When you find yourself anxious look to getting your body moving. Taking your mind off of whatever is stressing you out and applying to exercise will help. Working out is a positive stressor that has numerous benefits for the body and mind. Hit up the weight room if you are feeling down as the stimulus will release feel good hormones into your blood stream. Don’t forget the cardio as well. Remember that exercise is essential for a healthy life. Stop moving and things will go wrong.


laughter really is a medicine. Think of it as a steam valve and when your stress levels get to high laughter will lower the pressure. Find out what makes your sides hurt and get some more in your life. Nothing to smile about then just force yourself to do it. Just make sure that you don’t do it to creepily in public.


The melodic sounds of our favourite music can wash away all of the stressors in our life and put us in a chilled mode. Even if you enjoy intense music such as metal, you can still get the benefits. Use music as your personal tool. Find out what music brings down your stress, what hypes you up and what makes you creative.


Man’s best friend has brought immeasurable amounts of joy to peoples lives. They are loyal, caring and cute. When your feeling stressed and in need of some TLC look no further then your pet companion. This will also get you out in nature which is another great way of relaxing. Don’t have a dog, don’t worry borrow a family members or even spend some time with your cats. I think this can be done with any type of pet as long as you have a loving connection with them.


A practice that appears in nearly every answer when trying to combat stress and improve your mental health. This is for good reason as its benefits are still being uncovered by science. They range from clarity, focus, calming of your nervous system, helps you sleep and many more. The hardest part is making it a daily habit. Meditation may not seem like it but it requires your full attention. Without it you will not reach the mental states needed to feel the full benefit. Start small, 5 minutes at a time, make sure you are in a quiet environment and give it your full attention. Keep this very manageable 5 minutes until it is part of your identity. Don’t start upping the time after a couple days because it becomes a chore and you will eventually quit.


Another hippy phrase that is bandied about the self help community, gratitude has become kind of a cliché. But it really does work. It puts your life in a positive perspective and helps you peel back the junk in your life and appreciate the things that matter. Suddenly your dreams of a mansion don’t seem so important when you realise that people are homeless. Your quest for six pack abs lose their gravitas when there are people battling cancer. Practising gratitude doesn’t mean spiralling into hedonism but lightening the burden you put on yourself and realising that you are already lucky.


When I am stressed I reach for the greasiest thing that has had its nutrient profile fried into oblivion. Soon you develop a taste for junk food and reach for them instead of a healthier option. Your body goes more into a nutrient deficit thus stressing your body even more. A way of coping that you thought was harmless has now ramped up your stress and is now affecting your health. Write down everything you eat in a day and if the majority contains junk food then switch it up immediately. Opt for lean meat, whole grains and plenty of fruit and veg. Trust me, you will feel the stress fall away as well as your extra pounds of fat.


We do not truly know the impact that modern technology has had on us. It has created a generation of mental illness, destroyed our sleep cycles and made us lonely. Our brains are constantly bombarded with negative news and overstimulation. I understand that you cannot become a Luddite over night but you can go to bed without it and when you are in company of people, instead of looking at your phone like a zombie actually engage with real people. You will feel much better and might revamp your ability to talk to real people. Phone, gaming, porn, media addiction is a very real thing and easing up on it will make you agitated for a short period of time but in the long run it will help you.


A practice that has helped me to get my life into order is journaling. Taking a moment each day to write down what has happened gives a valuable insight into your behaviours. You become aware of your thought patterns and habits. Now they have been identified you can tweak them to serve you and make your day more fulfilling. Like most things start off small, writing down the most memorable things of your day. Then your emotions and thoughts behind what you have done. Over time you will accumulate a vast collection of valuable insights tailored to your life.


We are social creatures, we have evolved and survived through our community. Look throughout your life and find the people you care most about. Ask yourself, can I spend more time with them?

The answer will always be yes. The people you would want at your death bed are the people that matter the most and you should make time for them. If you don’t have many people or friends then I suggest reconnecting with old ones or making a effort to make new ones. Hobbies, clubs, social events these are all great places to connect with people and build lifelong relationships that will serve you well.


In a way most of this list is self care but this entry is more about making it a priority in your life. Looking after yourself ensures that you can be the best version of yourself. Make a list of all the things you enjoy and that will bring happiness in your life and begin ticking them off.

Start now


You have tried all the practices we have shown you today and you still feel stressed. Then it might be time to see if you are deficient in any nutrient. Low levels of vitamin d are notorious in dampening our mood. Speak with your local care giver and try and arrange a blood test. It might be as easy as finding what your missing and putting them back in.

Some other great supplements that might help are omega 3, vitamin d3, ashwaganda and b complex.

Make sure to speak with your doctor before taking them.


Feeling your life slip between your hands is a dreadful feeling, one which can cause immense stress. Each facet of our life begins to sink, dragging down the other parts as well. Before you hit rock bottom you have the opportunity to take control of your life. Realise that life doesn’t happen to you but happens for you. Take control now and work towards building it back up again. It may seem like a unwinnable task but I promise you that giving it your best shot will feel much better then wallowing in self pity. No one remembers the easy wins.


I believe everyone has a strength. From coping to caring we all have the ability to improve the world. Take a look at what you do best and lean into it. If you are not good at what you currently need then just find it. It is easy to put off what you don’t want to do but you will not be able to run forever, find your strength and meet it head on.


Humans are chronically dehydrated. A vast majority of us don’t get nearly enough hydration to run our bodies optimally. Being dehydrated makes our body run harder and in turn stresses it. Be mindful of how much water you consume. If it is hard for you to manage then set a reminder on your phone in the morning and drink a litre. This will give you a head start to the day and help your body run to its full potential.


Perhaps you are attacking your life in the wrong manner. Trying to tackle it as a whole might not be the way forward and it is in fact overwhelming you. Try breaking off the most stressful parts of your life and give them your undivided attention. If work is getting you down then put in place measures that will streamline your experience. Perhaps you have struggled with your weight and you cannot stay on diet. Prep your meals or hire a chef to prepare them for you. It is these little tricks and systems that can help ease the pressures of life off our shoulders.


Another way of distressing your life is by cutting out the unimportant things. The things that don’t matter but take up a large portion of our lives should be cut out or cut down. Gaming became a big problem for me, it would stress me out and I would waste valuable time on it. It had to be cut down. Now I only game with close friends and only a fraction of what I did.

When in doubt cut it out.


Sometimes it is just you. The way you handle things and view the world does not help you in the slightest. Sometimes the best way of dealing with the stresses in life is changing your mindset. This is no easy feat as this is all we know, it is essentially becoming another person. But this new person you are mentally building is a better version of you. Able to not only handle the pressures of life but to thrive in it. Every burden is now a opportunity. Every misfortune is now a lesson to be cherished.


Everything that has happened cannot be changed. The only thing you can do is address it and move forward. It is best to accept life for what it is and once you have truly done that it gives you permission to achieve instead of receive. Sorry for the cringe but I didn’t know what else to write. Accept that this is the game we are forced to play and start working on going from a pawn to a king.