
Get your life on track with these habits and strategies

1-Your mindset is not permanent

Have you ever been around someone who is on a path to self destruction?

I know I have and they seem to be set in their ways. Something or someone has given them the permission to ruin their life. They mention their upbringing, a ex, or some other force that has caused them to fail.

This is a vicious cycle of Fail-blame-repeat

They know they are doing it, but why change when you have something to blame for your shortcomings. People have familiarity in their problems, they feel safe, even when it is causing them harm.

To break the cycle, you need to address your problems. Tell yourself enough is enough, it’s your fault that you fail. It’s your fault that your miserable, it’s your fault you are ruining your life. Taking back your thoughts and emotions will give you the power you need to change.

We humans are amazing when we choose to be. You can change, but it will not be easy.


When a river has no flow or direction, it will stagnate and rot. Staying stuck in your head will only bring more suffering into your life. Evaluate your life, find what makes you happy and what you want to accomplish. Cut out whatever is holding you back from that. You need to be brutal and most of all honest in your analyse. You have now found your direction in life, now it is time to charge into it full force. No more procrastination, now its time for action.

3-Isolation never helps

There are times when isolation can help you grow as a person, but not always. Being constantly cut off from people goes against our very nature. We are social creatures.

Stop expecting people to make the effort. You have to put your self out their and it starts with something as simple as a smile. People do not want to be around negative people. Smile, be happy and you will attract people without even realising it.

If you are not prepared to approach new people then engage more with the people already in your life. Spend time with them. Not on your phone. Listen and be present with them and your relationship will blossom.

4-love is the healer

People often consider their lives ruined when they are unloved. People will carry around mental scars that shape every loving relationship they have. Some will never let their guard down again.

Love is the healer and you need it. Without it you will ruin your life. The whole process begins with self love. Once you have given yourself that, then you can truly give your best to people.

5-Stand for something

Another way we are unhappy in the modern world is because most people don’t stand for something. Everyday we are bombarded with advertising, programming and are ultimately brainwashed. For some they find their tribe. Be it vegans, carnivores, liberals, republicans, stoicism or hedonism. The problem is did they truly come to this conclusion or was they lead.

People value their identity so much that they follow their in group with zealot dedication. Not open to alternative opinions or viewpoints. Evaluate what is important to you and build what you stand for around that. I’m not saying don’t be part of something, just come to that conclusion yourself.

6-You are your habits

Habits are what make up most of our lives. Reinforcing the wrong ones can have disastrous consequences. Become aware of your habits.

Which ones help you?

What ones do you want to change?

Which habits do you want to start?

Swap out your bad habits, for more favourable ones. It’s that simple, but not easy.

7-Create your own path

No one wants to feel like they can’t make their own decisions. Following the crowd your whole life will do nothing but make you a sheep. Take back your decisions and do something that truly makes you happy. If it succeeds or fails, at least you will know that it is the path you chose.

8-Feed the mind

Give your brain the stimulus it needs. Stop letting it sit idle, wasting time on brain dead activities like television. Keeping your brain sharp will ensure that you can perform at your highest level.

Don’t know where to start?

Books are your go to for brain stimulus. Some of the greatest people who have ever lived wrote a book and you have the privilege to learn from them.

Why stop at books, here are 20 other ways of growing your brain.

9-Feed the body

You have fed your brain, now it’s time for the body. Your life will be so much better if you exercise. Weight training for your muscles or cardio for your heart. Moving your body everyday is a great habit to practice. You will feel better and intern perform better.

A large portion of society view exercise as a hard chore. This is the wrong attitude to have and will guarantee your failure. Be grateful you get to exercise and think of it as a opportunity to get better. Once it is part of your identity you will wonder how you got on without.

10-Every hero fails

One of the most sure fire ways to make your life miserable is by being to hard on yourself. Lamenting on your past failures doesn’t solve anything. You wouldn’t expect your favourite hero to give up, so why not have that same standard. Everyone who has ever achieved anything substantial has failed. Probably more times then you have tried.

Learn from your mistakes, build your habits and fail until you win.