
The cheapskates guide to biohacking

The latest craze among the rich is biohacking. They optimise their biology to improve performance and live longer. Some times millions are spent yearly on improving a persons life. The rich shell out on expensive state of the art machines, Experimental procedures and world class doctors.

But Like most of us you ain’t rich. You can just about pay the rent, never mind a skin laser treatment. So that’s it, you will never get these biohacking benefits constantly talked about. Lucky for you there are plenty of options that are free. Research has shown that the list I’m about to share with you can be as effective as expensive treatments. Implementing these strategies can improve your productivity, habits, mindset and health.

The best thing about them all is that there free.


You are probably already wired on the stuff. It is one of the worlds leading addictions. It can give you the energy you need to be productive. I suggest not having caffeine after 4pm. We all metabolise coffee differently and it can really mess with your sleep.

Cold exposure

Another low hanging fruit which has been popularised by Wim Hof aka the ice man. Exposing your body to low temperatures aids in inflammation, recovery and performance. If you do ice baths, make sure to time yourself as past the 10 minute mark is dangerous. Haven’t got access to ice? No worries a cold shower will still provide benefits.


The way you breath is often overlooked when you feel anxious and overwhelmed. Shallow breaths send your body into the sympathetic nervous system. Learning to breath fully through your diaphragm will greatly improve your ability to deal with stressful situations and keep anxiety at bay.

Training your breath is personally one of the most powerful things in biohacking. I instantly feel energised when I perform Tony Robbins priming technique. It also send me to sleep when I perform box breathing. Pick the right technique for the job and you will notice the benefits. Remember this mantra “more oxygen, more life”


Who would have thought cavemen were into biohacking. The invention of rubber soles have taken away our connection to earth. Our feet are protected but at the cost of mother natures electrons healing our bodies. This sounds very snake oily but it is true. I Train outside bare foot and I notice a considerable difference to when I train with shoes. Get outside as much as possible and unleash your inner child.


The giver of vision is also the giver of life. Vitamin D is essential for our body. With fish sources increasingly becoming contaminated, it is getting harder to get it in our diet. The sun provides plenty, especially vitamin D3. Try and expose your skin for at least 30 minutes a day. The darker the skin, the more time you will need.

The sun has to be at a certain angle to deliver it, and that is during the hotter times of the year. During the winter months the sun is less effective and you will need to supplement. This mainly applies to darker, colder climates.


One of the most powerful tools in your arsenal when it comes to health. I personally overlooked walking for years. It was to easy and because I was a serious athlete I needed to be running everywhere. Eventually my knees began to break down along with my ability to recover from weight training.

If you are not used to walking long distances I suggest starting slow. Aim for 5 thousand steps a day and build it up to 10. Walking strengthen your joints, muscles, bones, ligaments. It also drains your lymph, trains your heart and improves your posture. There really isn’t a reason you should not be walking more.


The heat generated in saunas helps to relax muscles, alleviate tension, and promote circulation. Regular sauna use has been associated with cardiovascular benefits, including lowered blood pressure and improved heart health. The sweating experienced in saunas helps to detoxify the body by flushing out toxins and impurities through the skin.

Night filters

Most modern phones have them built in. The filter will change it from blue light to red light. This stops the damage blue light does to us during the night. You can set a timer for when it will switch. I suggest just before sun down.

You can get filters for your computer as well. I recommend flux.


Journaling offers a plethora of benefits, serving as a powerful tool for self-reflection, organization, and emotional regulation. By putting thoughts onto paper, individuals gain clarity on their feelings, thoughts, and experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of themselves and their surroundings. This process promotes stress reduction, aiding in the management of anxiety and depression. Moreover, journaling enhances cognitive function, as the act of writing engages different areas of the brain, improving memory and problem-solving skills. Additionally, it serves as a creative outlet, allowing individuals to explore ideas, set goals, and track personal growth over time. Overall, journaling cultivates mindfulness and self-awareness, empowering individuals to lead more fulfilling and balanced lives.

Resistance training

You are leaving so much benefit on the table when you don’t resistance train. This is low hanging biohacking fruit for anyone looking to improve their health..

The good news is that it doesn’t matter what type you do, they all have their benefits. Body weight will get you stronger, improve your flexibility and train your core. Weights will get you stronger, build more muscle and release growth hormone. These are just a few of many benefits. They overlap so finding modalities that you love doing is key. Keep up the stimulus and you will reap the rewards.


This is in my opinion the holy grail for bio hacking. We spend a third of our life a sleep. It determines how well the other  2/3 is lived.

Turn off WIFI at night

We as a society do not truly know the impact of electromagnetic fields (EMF)

You are now the weirdo if you do not a have phone on you at all times. Every house, business and building has some form of Wi-Fi. With the emergence of 5g there isn’t many places you can go to get away from it. So what can you do, not much really. You will always be exposed to some kind of emf in the modern world but turning off your personal Wi-Fi will give you some relief. I have noticed since doing this my sleep is less interrupted. Don’t worry you can turn it back on in the morning.


When we embrace someone, our bodies release oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone.” IT reduces stress and promotes feelings of trust and bonding. This hormonal release can lower blood pressure, decrease the risk of heart disease, and even boost our immune system. Beyond the physiological benefits, hugging fosters emotional connections, providing comfort and support in times of need while strengthening relationships.

Lymph drainage

Lymph drainage aids in stimulating the flow of lymph fluid throughout the body. Lymph drainage encourages the removal of toxins, waste, and excess fluid from tissues. The practice can also reduce swelling, improve circulation, and boost your immune system. In my experience the rebounder is the most effective. These can break the bank if you want a quality one, so I have a alternative. Bounce on your heels for 2 minutes straight. This will move your lymph and can be performed multiple times a day.

Remove ultra processed food

Biohacking doesn’t have to be hard. It can be as simple as cleaning up your diet. There is building evidence that our world wide health crisis was ramped up when the consumption of ultra processed food began. They are not natural, contain very little nutrients and are loaded with chemicals. Designed by scientists to trick your taste buds, ultra processed foods might be the worlds biggest addiction.

The first things that must go are any thing that doesn’t resemble real food. Just doing this alone will make you much healthier. Next is anything with more then 7 ingredients(being generous).

What you will be left with is food that is natural, filled with life giving nutrients and good for you. Over time you can lower down the ingredients.

There is a huge war raging at what is the most optimal diet. Carnivore, keto, paleo, vegan, Mediterranean, slow carb. You name it there is a diet for it, and they all think their right. The one thing all these diets have in common is they eliminate ultra processed foods. Start there.


Sprinting is a high-intensity form of exercise. It offers a multitude of benefits for the body. Sprints burn fat, enhances cardiovascular health and increases lung capacity. It also stimulates the production of growth hormone and testosterone, which can aid in muscle growth and strength development. Additionally, sprinting engages fast-twitch muscle fibers, promoting explosive power and agility.


Smiling isn’t just a sign of happiness; it’s also a powerful tool for improving our health and well-being. When we smile, our brain releases endorphins, neurotransmitters known for their ability to elevate mood and reduce stress levels. This natural high not only boosts our mood but also has a positive impact on our immune system, helping to lower blood pressure and decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Engaging in debates offers more than just intellectual stimulation; it also provides significant benefits for brain health. The process of debating involves critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, all of which are essential for cognitive function. Debate challenges our mind to consider multiple perspectives, evaluate evidence, and construct logical arguments. debating also stimulates neural pathways and promotes neuroplasticity.


Stretching not only enhances flexibility and range of motion but also promotes relaxation and stress relief by releasing tension in the muscles. This improved flexibility reduces the risk of injury during physical activities and enhances athletic performance. Stretching increases blood flow to the muscles, delivering essential nutrients and oxygen, which aids in muscle recovery and promotes overall well-being. Your risk of injury will also go down considerably.


A practice that appears in nearly every answer when trying to combat stress and improve your mental health. This is for good reason as its benefits are still being uncovered by science. They range from clarity, focus, calming of your nervous system, helps you sleep and many more. The hardest part is making it a daily habit. Meditation may not seem like it but it requires your full attention.

Without it you will not reach the mental states needed to feel the full benefit. Start small, 5 minutes at a time, make sure you are in a quiet environment and give it your full attention. Keep this very manageable 5 minutes until it is part of your identity. Don’t start upping the time after a couple days because it becomes a chore and you will eventually quit.