How to fight our A.I overlords

I for one welcome our A.I overlords. Once it was established it was inevitable, A.I would take over the vast majority of jobs. We are currently at it’s infancy but with the new release of SoraAI, trouble could be right around the corner. A artificial intelligence video software that can create unbelievable footage in seconds. We are starting to see how powerful A.I can become. Some of the clips would take hundreds of man hours and thousands of dollars to film traditionally. Created in seconds with a couple taps of your fingertips. The real question is, can we fight back when it comes to this emerging menace? In my opinion yes. We have to let go of our grip on information and embrace our uniqueness.

Be a individual

It doesn’t matter what writing routine you have, you cannot compete. You must bow down to A.I superior output. Shear information is there’s. But at this current time you still have the ability to outperform on individuality. A.I is advancing at a unbelievable rate but it still doesn’t have human authenticity. Embrace your individuality. Lean into what makes you unique and A.I will never be able to duplicate.

Show some character

With the emergence of bot accounts and automated posting, you really don’t know who real and who’s not. A.I currently doesn’t have the capability of completely becoming a real person. It can generate a realistic photo or two but not a complete profile of a living person. If you look hard enough you can see that most of those pictures have no character. There eyes are dead. While we have the chance, get your face out their. Let your audience know that you are a real person. Give them insights and ideas no bot could come up with.


Our experience of this realm is what makes us human. The way we interpret that experience is as unique as a fingerprint. This is where chatgpt cannot compete. Lean into storytelling. This will create a deeper connection with your audience. A info dump is now soulless, you have to make your writing stand out by adding your own flavour.

Use it

You cannot run from this change. Even Luddite’s will be affected to a certain degree. Just like with the industrial age you must embrace it. Learn to harness its ability like humans have done every time we have advanced. We are still in control for now. Use it for the medial tasks and save your energy for higher impact creation. Change with the times or you will be a thing of the past.

Prove your worth

Everyone is worrying about A.I taking over. None more so then the faceless. Cheap labour has taken many jobs and now it’s their turn to be replaced. As the lower level of task completion is wiped away. It is up to you to take your worth to the next level. Multiple industries will be turned on their head. Writing, photography, art, Hollywood just to name a few will never be the same. The trajectory of films is trending down. What will stop film directors simply hiring a specialised team of sora operators.

How long until we see a A.I list celebrity?

This is the time to step up as a creator and prove your worth. If you don’t then you will steamrolled