Learn the game of kings. Being able to perform to a semi descent level will ensure your brain is given stimuli. I go into much deeper detail about the benefits of chess and all the ways it helps your brain. Click here to learn more about how good chess is.


Reserved for clowns and talented weirdos, juggling is great for hand eye coordination and rhythm. A Oxford study was conducted to see the effects of juggling on the brain. They gathered two groups of 24 people, none of whom could juggle. One group trained for 30 minutes a day and had weekly juggling sessions, the other done no juggling. After 6 six weeks their brains were scanned and concluded that the juggling group had grown more white matter in their brains.


A cheap and easy way of stimulating your brain and being social as well. Something I personally think we all need more of. All you need is a dollar pack of cards and your off to the races. The harder the game the better, but it doesn’t really matter what game you choose. Rummy, blackjack, solitaire, bridge they all provide the brain with different provoking thoughts and will work up a mental sweat.

Card games are also great for young children and the elderly as it keeps them engaged and provides social interaction.


One of the greatest puzzles ever made, the rubix cube took the 1980s by storm. Traditionally set in the 3x3x3, it is now made in a variety of different designs from a simple 2×2 to the mind numbing 33x33x33. Learning the standard rubix cube is hard enough and will take hours of dedication and algorithm memorisation to get descent. While you go on this journey your brain will be thanking you with all the new connections it has made. I learned how to complete a rubix cube in a few hours using this helpful you tube video.


Board games are another great way of keeping you entertained while also challenging the brain. Each board game will fire a different part of the brain, so it is important to play a wide spectrum. Some of the best ones in my opinion are monopoly, boggle, scrabble, labyrinth, 5 second rule, battleships.


Gaming if not checked can become a detriment in your life. But their are mental benefits you get from gaming. These include focus, coordination, communication, reading, anticipation, memorisation, team work and more. These benefits can be reached with just a hour or so of gameplay and the benefits will diminish the longer your session.


Using your brain to create a image using solely your minds eye is a great way of improving it. Learning all the different mediums, strokes and techniques, on top of using your imagination is perfect for someone looking to improve their brain function. Drawing is extra potent for young children as their malleable brain will soak it all in. Colouring books will also give you some benefit and will also help relax you.


The ability of reading in the newer generation is drastically declining as their attention is being taken away from the classic book. Reading provides so many benefits towards your brain that I could make a whole list about just that. Haven’t got the patience to read a door stop novel?

Don’t worry just start off with small articles and short stories. You could just stay at this level but if you get a taste for it then I suggest starting with the classics.


Try using your other hand for tasks like brushing your teeth or writing notes. It will force your brain to work harder and form New Neuron patterns.

There is plenty of true stories of kids breaking their dominant arm and being forced to learn to write with the other, becoming genius’s at a chosen field later in life. By forcing your mind to write with your non dominant hands for months, you are creating substantial activity in the right side of your brain.

At first you will be comically bad at the task but as you continue your practice you will see in real time just how much you improve. Take it one step further and try and get to the same level of competency as your dominant hand.


Having a nice talk with a family member can be enhanced by playing catch with them. Keeping your eye on the ball and having the dexterity to catch it is just a few ways it trains your brain. Couple that with having a coherent conversion and it will give your brain plenty of stimulation.


We all like to have a sing song to our favourite songs and most of the time we can remember the words. But let’s up the anti and begin to change the words on the fly to suit a topic. Forcing yourself to stay with the melody of the song but changing the lyrics really is fun and a challenge at the same time.

For example singing bohemian rhapsody to fit around cleaning your bedroom.

Or hotel California to fit around going to the supermarket.


Scientists have found that exercise promotes neurogenesis. This is the fancy term for birthing new brain cells. Cardio dominant exercises can grow new cells in the hippocampus. Exercise can also strengthen the synapses between neurons giving you better communication between them and making their bonds stronger.

Your body will also release a number of beneficial neurotransmitters into your brain. These include dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine etc. these neurotransmitters have a whole host of benefits including reducing anxiety, mood boosting, blood pressure management and more.


Yoga helps our brain develop new connections and improves our structure. Yoga has been found to increase activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, which is associated with gratitude and kindness.

It can also help put you in a calmer state of mind through changing the state of your nervous system. Our hectic lives keep us chronically in a sympathetic nervous system which is best known for responding to danger. The trouble arrives when we cannot get out of that state. Yoga helps us get into a parasympathetic state which helps us relax and heal.


The creative process is something that a lot of people struggle with. Brainstorming will not only help you come up with a better idea but the process of doing so helps train your brain.

Don’t know what to brainstorm about?

Find something in your life that you are not happy with and try and brainstorm ideas on how to improve them.


Like brain storming, creative writing works the same part of the brain. Start off with a short outline of the story and work out any plot holes you might have. I suggest a short story, from. 1000-4000 words. Now just write, it doesn’t matter if it is shocking. It is the practice we are after and you might just find a new passion in the process.


Lay out a number of items in front of you. Now make a mental note in your head and close your eyes. Now recall them in order. This is best done with a partner and made into a game. You can also write down items, numbers, shopping list on a piece of paper and try and recall them. Try and beat your last score.


This is the type of maths that we use the most when we leave schooling. Adding, subtracting, times and division are used in arithmetic. But we want it all in our minds, free from a calculator or notebook. Constructing the equation in our mind and giving the right answer will not only serve you well throughout life but also build your brain.


Another powerhouse of critical thinking. Debating is a constant battle of wits that requires fast thinking and a silver tongue to try and convince judges that your viewpoint is superior. If this sounds to intense then a simple debate among your friends and family will be just as good.

Here are some friendly examples:

Why we should eat Chinese food tonight

Breaking bad is the best show ever

Why I should buy a new bicycle

No one to debate with, no worries you can debate yourself. Weighing out the options and picking the most beneficial option is a valuable skill.


Lego has truly become a titan of a children’s toy company. It seems like every popular franchise has their own Lego sets, giving you plenty of options to find what you like. The harder and more intricate the model the better it will be for your brain. To old for Lego?

Why not do it with your children or a young relative. That way you can bond with them and also get both of your minds stimulated. P.S. Your never to old for Lego.


Jigsaw puzzles require both sides of the brain. The left side will concentrate on the logical aspect of the puzzle, while the right will cover the creative side. The first half of a puzzle is normally right hemisphere dominant, creatively piecing together clumps until something is visible. Once you have a foothold in the puzzle your left side will begin to kick in and logically find the pieces that make sense.

As the modern world strives towards comfort and convenience, our brains are being left behind. Years ago we would be mentally stimulated just by tasks in our life. Many children can hardly write opting for a touch screen. Games and puzzles have been shunned, instead short form media is now what they consume. Children’s brains do not thrive with this media and it is up to you the parent to make sure they have some kind of mental stimulation. No longer can you rely on school or popular culture.

Another growing concern is the high number of people contracting Alzheimer’s and dementia. As our communities have shrunk, with people being the most alone they have ever been, peoples brains are declining because they don’t use them. Your brain is just like a muscle if you don’t use it you will lose it.

So even if you just pick one at least you will be getting some kind of brain stimulation.