dopamine detox

7 ways to detox from dopamine

Have you become consumed by modern societies obsession with distraction?

Has your taste for dopamine reached the levels of a hardened drug addict and with out your fix you become agitated?

Then it is time to go on a dopamine detox, a distraction diet, whatever you want to call it it is something that will help you become more fulfilled and restore balance to your life. Everyone knows when they play to much video games or binge watch to much television, that they are being unproductive. But we convince our self that it is acceptable and justify continuing the behaviour. But these are only the most obvious behaviours when it comes to dopamine. There is all types of other ways dopamine can creep into our lives. Below are some of my best strategies to lowering your dopamine, thus bringing it back into balance in your life.

Delete all your social media apps

The explosion of social media has made us more connected then ever, but at the same time as a society we have never been more alone. The mental impact social media has had on us can not be quantified and we are only now beginning to see the problems that are arising from them. These huge companies spend millions on grabbing your attention and keeping you engaged for the longest time possible. It is the reason you can get lost within social media and by the time you have realised, hours have been lost forever.

Cutting back on social media doesn’t seem to work as it will only drive you crazy at all the action you have missed. The best thing to do is just delete them from your phone, you will not lose your login and have the best chance of breaking your dependency with them. If this still does not work then give someone you fully trust your account and have them change the password, or your app store account so you cannot download.

Try and workout without headphones

We all know that television is bad for us and a waste of time, but what about the music or podcasts that help us get through our workouts. They are just another form of dopamine that give us a boost in energy or help us distract our mind. Granted listening to a podcast or music isn’t the worst thing you can do but if you really want to get the full benefits from a dopamine detox then your sacred podcast must go. Don’t worry they can come back.

Instead I suggest thinking about your life or contemplate actions that will benefit you. Being alone with our thoughts is a increasing rarity in this modern world. Having your own organic thoughts that have not been corrupted by outside forces is a great way of truly choosing your own outcomes and direction in life.

Say no to fear mongering

The constant stream of negative stories beamed into the psyche of the masses puts even the most hardened mind into a state of fear. Even if you cannot feel it, to some degree bad news either stimulates your emotions or puts you into fear. Either way it is information you do not need to consume, on the rare occasion the news may be directly linked to your situation, other then that it is irrelevant.

Instead of consuming world news, your time is better spent curating your personal news. Improving yourself, family, career, well being. Creating a positive impact on your life instead of a state of fear with irrelevant world news.

Let go of your sports

I am sure you don’t waste your time with silly things like television or childish television shows but put your favourite football team on and you will sit captivated like a child for hours. Thinking you have achieved something through your sports club or favourite sportsman is something you are never to old to do. We have all done it and it felt great when it went our way. But the truth is that this is just a time wasting, dopamine hitting past time as binge watching Netflix. Step away from your favourite sport for a while and apply your attention to something that will directly affect your life. If you truly love the sport in question then try solely playing the sport and getting better at it.

Free yourself from your phone

Everywhere you go people are glued to their screens. Music concerts are filled with people recording the gig rather then actually experiencing it, restaurants are just feeding holes for groups of screen watchers instead of laughter and conversation, even on the streets where your full attention should be on your surroundings and people are still glued to their phones. Check out this youtube video if you want to be amused by Screen watchers walking into poles and falling down holes. You don’t want to be one of these people. Take a moment to ask yourself this question whenever you go somewhere social

Will my phone help me or hinder me at the place I am going?

If the answer is hinder then leave it at home or in your car. If you will be walking home alone at night then having your phone on you is a sensible idea. But if you are going with a big group of people who all have phones then in a emergency someone will contact them looking for you. The best thing about this strategy is that from you not being on your phone and initiating more conversation your friends will put down their phones out of manners and now you all can enjoy your event without distraction.

Become present with your family

Spending time with family is one of the most precious things you can do. If you truly love them, then giving them your full attention is the least you can do. Nothing says to someone they are enjoying your company like them in a trance looking at their phone. You will not find happiness in your screen and by the time you realise that family member might not be around for you to enjoy.

Produce don’t consume

Companies have made it so it easy to consume media and give you that sweet dopamine hit that doing anything else other then consuming seems very hard and not worth the squeeze. Shifting your mindset to producing material instead of consuming can be a real struggle. Some people just overstimulate themselves and do a total paradigm shift and begin to be productive and some people need to take small, consistent steps until it has become a habit.

The first step of finding something that you enjoy doing, is examining what you already do a lot of. Do you like art or music, business or writing? For some people it might seem like you don’t have a clear interest but if you take the time to really analyse your life you will find one. If you still cant find one then I suggest trying new things and you might stumble upon something you really love. For most people it will be something they done as a child and somehow became to busy to continue. Once you have found that thing you want to pursue, now block out a part of your day when you would normally consume product and do the other thing instead. You will be amazed at how much more fulfilled you will become and just how easy it is to be consistent.