fitness influencer

15 types of Fitness influencer that saved my life

1) Wim Hof

The iceman has been around for a number of years now. A fitness influencer that developed a breathing technique which ramps up your co2 with rapid inhales/exhales finished with a breath hold. In layman’s terms this improves multiple functions in your body. The round is finished with a deep breath in, which floods the starving body with oxygen.

When I discovered Wim Hof it was not the worldwide phenomenon it is today. He was the weird iceman who could stand sub zero temperatures with no shoes on. Now he is a household name and for good reason. I have always struggled with bouts of anxiety. Nothing helped until I discovered Wim Hof. My anxiety went away almost instantly and would return if I wasn’t consistent. His breathing technique has flooded my body with oxygen for years and fed my body with what it needs.

2) Gary Brecka

A relatively new fitness influencer to me. I first heard of him from Dana white. He was able to transform Dana from a bloated overworked mess into a lean mean and healthy machine. For 2 decades Gary Brecka worked as a mortality expert for insurance companies. He would crunch the data and guess the person in questions death to the month.

Sick of that he switched to helping people. He has now exploded in popularity thanks to his methods and famous clients. Gary has helped me get my morning routine down to a militant level. He is also leading the way on methylation testing and supplementation. Something I am very interested in due to my anxiety. On his recommendation I bought methylated b vitamins and my homocysteine levels lowered. My energy levels also went through the roof.

3) Brian Johnson

Another new comer who has set the world a light. Perhaps the most dedicated practitioner of bio hacking in the world. He has managed to reverse his age along with the damage he done as a busy tech owner. Brian’s routines are intricate and precise. It is the same everyday. From the meals to the pills. I have taken bits from his regime and added it to mine. Brian Johnson’s sleep routine is one of the best in the world.

The only downfall for me is his ability to relay the science. He has a team of specialists that tell him what to take. Other then that he might be the current champion of bio hacking.

4) Dr Greger

The happy bobbing head has given me so much useful information. I call him this because he is always on his walking treadmill. As he floods your brain with info his rhythmic walking puts you in a trance. His book ‘how not to die’ really brought home the importance of health. He is a vegan and promotes whole food plant based. The reason I hold Dr.Greger in such high regard is that he is not a zealot. He is science first. It doesn’t matter if it is vegan, if the science says it’s bad he will let you know. It is a breath of fresh air in a world of food cults.

5) Siim Land

The fitness influencer and youthful biohacker is in my opinion one of the best. He has the baby face and ripped body to prove it. He showed me the importance of collagen and the amino acid glycine. I don’t react well to supplemental glycine so I get it through diet. The importance of sauna is another hack he champions. The benefits are scientifically clear and thanks to Siim I have added it to my routine.

6) Andrew Huberman

One of the best speakers I have ever listened to. Andrew Huberman knows a lot but is always humble in his approach. He lets his guests speak and get their points across. I cant stand a podcast when the host is constantly talking and cutting off the guest. He taught me the importance of morning sunlight and how important it is for circadian rhythm. This has become my main line of defence in getting a optimal nights sleep.

7) Bioneer

A really underrated fitness influencer, he is only just getting the recognition he deserves. Bringing out the kid in me he designs training regimes around superheroes and famous figures. This unique approach really enforces the practical principles of training and their real world use. He is not chained to one modality and is constantly pushing the limits of functional training. The Bioneer also got me interested in cognition and how brain training can improve performance. The only downside to me is implementing his exercises. The information is top tier but you are kind of left in the lurch when it comes to a routine. This is not a problem for someone with experience in training but it would be nice to get a blueprint for that said superhero.

8) Tony Robbins

To me he is the king of self help. When I first saw him help Hal in that documentary I was sold. All jokes aside, he has completely changed my mindset. ‘Awaken the giant within’ was one of my first self help books. Tony Robbins helped improve my mindset, which intern improved my fitness. I know he is not considered a fitness influencer but I really resonated with his teachings and incorporated them into my fitness regime.

9) Alpha destiny

My favourite natural athlete by far. He has built a great physique and is incredibly strong for a natural. Leonidas taught me to not limit my strength. We all can become naturally strong without juice. We limit our intensity because we are not enhanced but it is in the intensity we grow. Naturals need to lift heavy and give their body the stimulus it needs. A transparent fitness influencer who warns you of the dangers of steroid use. The free information he provides is some of the best on the internet when it comes to strength training.

10) Dave Asprey

He is known as the godfather of bio hacking and for good reason.  He helped pioneer what it has become today. Dave Asprey was the first I knew of to do the keto diet. A habit I picked up from him was wearing blue blocker glasses. I have struggled with my sleep and was running out of ideas. The glasses were the last piece of the puzzle. My sleep was restored. Dave has fallen off in my opinion, sticking to his guns. He has large investments in companies and new science could jeopardise them, so I understand. He is definitely someone I would recommend if you are getting into bio hacking.

11) Coach Greg

This guy is hilarious and a breath of fresh air. He doesn’t let no one get to him, which is rare with a fitness influencer. Greg is also a treasure trove of knowledge. If you want to cut he is the man for the job. He also got me hooked on stationary bike training. A addiction that has improved my cardio and endurance. Greg is the channel I go to first when something controversial has happened in the fitness industry. His takes are normally spot on.

12) Ben greenfield

In my opinion, a very underrated fitness influencer. He is to me right up there with Dave Asprey as a bio hacking pioneer. I first heard of him through his books. His writing is easy to understand for a layman like myself. Ben put me on to grounding. Connecting your bare feet to the earth and receiving its charge. Like most biohacking techniques it seemed to good to be true. But I can confirm grounding really does have profound effects on the human body and that’s why I have kept it in my daily regime. If someone wants to get into biohacking, Ben is one of the first people I would show them.

13) Steve Cook

This was a hard place to fill. I watched many fitness influencers during my twenties. But thinking on it, none have given me better information then Steve cook. Most of my base of knowledge when it comes to weight training is from his videos. At least a dozen isolation exercises that he preached has stayed in my routine. Great guy and great teacher.

14) Elliot Hulse

A og in the YouTube space, Elliot answered the questions a impressionable young man would ask. I am a fan of his old format. His ability to convey his knowledge through a camera, really helped me grasp the principles of training and nutrition. His new direction is to much for me but I wish him well. I also learned from him how to properly train for hypertrophy and the importance of recovery.

15) Rich Piana

The mass monster who took over YouTube before his tragic death. He was one of the most honest YouTubers in the fitness industry. He was open about his steroid use and how dangerous it was. His personality was funny and taught me loads of isolation exercises. He championed the benefits of real food. Ain’t that right babe. Rip rich.