how to get ripped

A naturals guide on how to get ripped

Learning how to get ripped as a natural is a lot harder then getting jacked. Your hormones will be all over the place, your muscles will disappear and you will shrink overnight. Being a natural means you can’t have the best of both worlds. You either get ripped and shrink or get fat and jacked.

It doesn’t mean you cannot have a great body as a natural. You will just not have the same vascular muscle as someone with the testosterone of a bull. It will take consistent habits and discipline.

The first thing I suggest you do, is be realistic with your results. Accept your genetics and do not, I repeat do not compare yourself to the professionals.

The reason they are bodybuilders is because of their genetics. They went to the gym and one thing let to another, and they realised they were good at it. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday. Be comfortable in who you are and enjoy the journey.

My version of ripped is not the same as most versions. A natural physique with the right program can get to 12% without jeopardising their hormones and keeping a lot of muscle.

If for whatever reason you want to get down to sub 10% body fat this guide is not for you.

6 years ago, I managed to get down to 12% body fat. It was for the summer and it was in my eyes very hard. I’m very greedy, so the diet was the real struggle. The weights will always be the fun part for me. Honestly I could not keep up with the demand and opted for a more manageable 16-17%. To some people this is to high in body fat, but I am happy and stronger. As long as your happy with your physique then no one’s opinion matters.


Calorie counting

Boring, I know but there is a reason it is in every program. Using a app like MyFitnessPal will give you a idea of how much you eat daily. Without this there is no way of knowing. I could eat a extra 1000 calories and not even notice.

Find your maintenance calories, if you don’t know how to do that click here.

Now decide how much of a deficit you want. The bigger the deficit the more weight you will lose. But the hungrier you will be and you also run the risk of losing precious muscle.

There is two ways of going about this, I went for the second.

1) higher deficit and a lower amount of exercise.

2) lower deficit and a higher amount of exercise.

The second one is much better for me as I love to workout and I also get eat more.

Whole foods

Before you learn how to get ripped, you need to say goodbye to junk food. I know we all love it now and then, but is time to grow up. Whole foods are what nature intended and whole foods is what we are going to concentrate on. I do not believe in cutting out food groups. Each one has its own purpose. Anything with more then 5 ingredients will have to be reviewed. I didn’t take protein powder but I accept it for what it is, a supplement. Some people prefer to get the protein they can’t eat from powder and that is fine. As long as you understand it is not as good as real food.

Complex carbs

We are going to eat almost exclusively slow digesting carbs. It doesn’t spike your insulin and your level steady.

They include

Sweet potatoes



Brown rice



Simple carbs like potatoes and white rice for your after workouts.

We are naturals, so eating bags of gummies or Kristy Kreme donuts will not work for the vast majority. Some lucky dudes have the genetics, most likely it is not you.


You do have to pump up your protein if you are shredding. To be able to hang onto your muscles as best you can I suggest not going lower then 1.2 gram per pound of body weight. This might seem a lot and it is, but being in a calorie deficit will put your hard earned muscle on the chopping block, protein will protect it.

I am health before aesthetics, so I recommend monitoring how you do on high protein. The renal load is to much for some. If you are worried about that, then I would switch half my protein to plant based.

Protein resources I recommend.

Organic chicken

Organic eggs

Egg whites

Wild salmon

Grass fed beef


Chick peas

Black beans


I know there are plenty of other sources, but I personally am against farm raised meat. It is cruel and disgusting. If you want your body to thrive, then give it the best quality sources. This way of thinking can become pricey, so a good quality protein powder is a money saver.

I like to think of it like this. You wouldn’t bat a eye lid at spending £30 on a takeaway, for the same price you could get 7-8 meals worth of organic meat for that.


You don’t just want to be ripped but healthy. Vegetables should be included in nearly every meal. They contain antioxidants, poly phenols and a whole host of different beneficial compounds. You really can have free rain on vegetables as most are so low in calories.


Fibre is an essential component of plant-based foods. It is a type of carbohydrate that the human body cannot digest. Despite its indigestibility, fibre plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal health. Found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts, fibre promotes digestive regularity by adding bulk to stool and preventing constipation. Getting over 40g grams of fibre a day is going to make you full for longer and help you go regularly.

Low calorie foods

There will be periods of the day where you will be the hungriest. These were normally the times you would stuff your face. A good strategy to keep you on track is finding low calorie foods you enjoy.

Low calorie foods that will fill you up

Plain pop corn


Zero sugar jelly


Zero sugar

This industry has grown into a billion dollar industry in the last 10 years. I am not the biggest fan of these new sugar substitutes. Not enough research has been done and we do not truly know the effects they have on the human body.

Information is only now coming out about how devastating aspartame is. There is also a link between artificial sweeteners and insulin response. These are all factors to take into account if you want to add them to your diet.

Some people will stay strict on their diet if they can have a couple of diet sodas every day. If that is the case then the trade off is worth it. You run into trouble when every meal contains some kind of artificial sweetener. They are in everything nowadays, so avoid most of the time.

Cut down inflammation

This will naturally happen if you get your diet in check. Keeping a eye on your inflammation markers will help you get to your goals quicker. You will know when you are inflamed. You will feel like crap, have no energy and not feel optimal.

Certain foods and drinks will ramp it up, normally ultra processed. Alcohol is another substance that can run havoc in your body, even if you think your being clever and having zero calorie liquor.

Take note of how you feel after foods and if you have a reaction. It can be as simple as changing one food that your allergic to and the weight will fall off.


The world is chronically dehydrated. Around 60% don’t meet their daily water needs. Right there is a simply hack to improve your health. Every function and cell in our body needs water, without it we do not run optimally.

Getting enough water is especially important if your protein is high and you take certain supplements. Aim for 2 litres a day minimum. I personally drink a gallon daily. I am not going down the water rabbit hole, just buy bottled water for now. Add some electrolyte powder or Celtic salt to top up your electrolytes.

Heavy weights

As you lose fat you want the muscle to stay on your frame. In a calorie deficit your body will break down muscles if you don’t give it the signal to stay.

Stick with the main compound lifts. These include bench press, squat, overhead press, pull-ups, rows and deadlifts. If your a beginner then I would concentrate on building muscle instead of learning how to get ripped. It really is for someone who has been training for more then a year. Losing weight is a different thing and you can start without having exercised in your life. We are not after that, we want low fat, high muscle.

Keep your workouts heavy and intense. You are not going to be as strong as you normally are, stay safe and modify if you need to. I am speaking to a seasoned lifter, so I assume you have some knowledge about weight lifting.


In my opinion cardio is a much harder stimulus to get right. Over the years I have tried every form. H.I.I.T tends to interfere with your recovery as well as overtaxing your body. On the juice then go crazy but we are naturals and have to be careful.

Go for long duration zone 2 training. Keep your pace reasonable and try and not go over 115 beats per minute. 45 minutes to 1 hour is a good target to aim for. This can be difficult for busier people. If that’s the case break it down into 2-3 sessions a day. If you want it bad enough you will find time for it.

To make things easier for me, I shoot for 10,000 steps a day. That way I don’t have to block time for cardio, I just need to move more. P.s it is harder then you think.


Recovery is just as important as diet and exercise. They are a trinity and you cannot naturally optimise your health without them all. Here are some quick tips on how to optimise it.

Set bedtime and wake up time

Reduce blue light 1 hour before bed

Make your room as dark as possible

Keep your bedroom cool

Hot shower before bed

Box breathing to relax

Blue blocker glasses

Aim for 8-9 hours a night.


I will not spend long on this section. There are a few that have the scientific backing and are safe for most. You can go deep into the weeds when it comes to supplements. But the question you have to ask yourself is, how far is this off of taking gear?


Creatine is one of the most researched health supplements in the world. It’s benefits are bigger, stronger muscles and a boost in your energy systems. Like I said earlier about supplements, Creatine is one you want to make sure you are hydrated with. It can be harsh on your kidneys. If I could only take one as a natural I would take creatine.


Used in hundreds of reactions in our bodies, magnesium is another mineral most of the world is lacking in. There are many forms so do your research. It can also help with sleep.

Omega 3

Great for your joints and heart. It is a supplement I think everyone should take regardless of activity level. Be careful with certain brands as omega 3 levels vary widely in quality. Recently I have opted for safer krill oil.


Intermittent fasting

I practiced this for a couple years in 2010. It shrunk my waist but also nuked my metabolism. It is a super power for some people but I personally feel better when I eat smaller meals throughout the day.

Now I have given you a splattering of vague advice, it is up to you to put the pieces together and work it out alone.

Only kidding, I hate when people do that. Below I have created a mock routine that will give you some inspiration. Enjoy.

John Doe

Age: 30

Height: 6 ft

Weight: 230lbs

Body fat: 26%

Wants to get down to 18% and keep as much muscle as possible.

Maintenance: 3, 266 calories

Calorie deficit: 300 calories

Most of this can be done for free in MyFitnessPal.

Training split

4x times a week









This is a optional day. I like to smash out arms and maybe some extra reps on lagging body parts. Stay away from chest.


Daily calorie intake: 2,944 calories

Protein: 221g

Carbs: 121g

Fat: 27g


Recovery should be taken very seriously. Here are some strategies I would incorporate

Stretching everyday

Meditation/breathing to become relaxed

foam roller couple times a week


Power naps if you can

Optimise sleep

Reduce stress

Remember to smile and enjoy the journey

This is how to get ripped as a natural. Everything is harder and you have to plan more, but at least you will have lasting health. Juice has destroyed so many bodies, it is not worth the risk. I hope you can take some help from this guide. Remember at the end of the day it is how you feel in yourself that matters. If you don’t want to learn how to get ripped then that’s alright. It is not for everyone and in my current place in life it is not for me. Remember to stay safe and always talk with your doctor before starting a new diet or training program.