world champion

10 Habits to learn from a world champion

1-Dedicated to their craft

A world champion has to be consistent when it comes to their habits. Without them they wouldn’t even be able to contend with the amateurs. The best in the world have spent tens of thousands of hours honing their skills. This constant effort has been going on for years until they have the ability to take it to the top.

When you are starting something that you one day want to be elite in, be patient. As long as you stay consistent with your effort, results will come.

2 Diet

To perform at their best, diet plays a crucial role. Making weight dictates if they can fight or not. Some fighters cut 30+ pounds, making the process that much more brutal.

Next time you consider binge eating and ruining your goals, take strength from fighters. They starve themselves through camp, on top of training harder then most of us will ever trained. I am not recommending starvation, but if they can do it, I’m sure you can manage a 300 calorie deficit.

3 Willingness to engage

Fighters have put themselves in confrontational situations so many times, that it has become second nature. They have numbed self doubt, fear and all the other emotions that run through their head when they fight.

By taking yourself out of your comfort zone, you will realise what you are capable of. Do it enough times and you will start to adapt. This will expand your pool of possibilities and harden your mind.

4 Vulnerability

A part of fighting that doesn’t get talked about enough is vulnerability. In their pursuit of glory, a world champion must accept that he might lose. Many of them use mental semantics to convince themselves they won’t, but everyone who fights give it some thought.

To be able to be vulnerable in public is the only way you are going to become publicly successful. You must be willing to lose if you want to win.

5 Accept pain

The vicious fights some of the greatest fighters have been in, is just a snippet of the pain they have endured. They deal with injuries, cuts, bruises, surgery, all for their love of fighting. Every time they step into the ring or even sparring for that matter, they could be seriously injured.

Modern society has convinced us to run from pain. Both mentally and physically. Do not try for greatness, instead consume product and do as your told. It is up to you to make a decision.

Do you rise to glory or do you fade into the shadows?

6 Fight temptation

To be the best version of yourself is the fighters top priority for there next fight. He reaches this state through consistent habits. Along the way he is constantly met with temptation. Food, sex, drugs, drink, these vices are magnified when you are a public figure. So why do world champions have such iron wills. Because they have a goal that is bigger then any short term pleasure, their why is bigger then their why not.

7 Mindset

Perhaps the most impressive of a fighters tools is his mindset. This is something that needs to be built through years of hardship. Taking it beyond what they thought possible and making them comfortable there. This can not always be achieved alone, that is why they hire world class coaches. Even kings had advisors, so why can’t you learn from others. Not everyone can afford a coach but everyone can afford a book.

8 Communicate

Once you have built your base of habits and honed your skills to world class, you still have a problem. No one will like you if you can’t talk the talk. Very rarely does a fighter get away with just being world class, they must show some likeable character. People need to be excited for there next fight. This is especially true if you speak English. A foreign fighter can become the heel and rely on skill, you will have to be their rocky.

Communication is a skill that should be learnt by everyone.

9 Never give up

You will see who really has character when the chips are down. Most people will crumble under any sort of pressure. The world champion has put himself in that position countless times in training. They believe anything is possible in the ring. It only takes that one punch to turn the fight on its head. If you quit you will regret that tiny lapse in character for the rest of your life.

10 World champion

The champion mindset is fully attained by a select few. They have moulded their world around that goal. They truly believe in their heart of hearts that they will become the best. Their days are structured around that ultimate goal. His habits, training, nutrition, recovery, all bring him closer to his dream.

You can develop this mindset for what goals you want to achieve. Decide on what you want out of life and then build your habits around it. Dedication is what sets normal people apart from a world champion. If you can generate even half of that intensity, there is a good chance you will reach your goals.